It seems that I can't keep up with this blog anymore. While it serves as a wonderful outlet for me to connect and reach out, there isn't enough time in my day to allow for it. What is keeping me so busy you ask? It could be the potty training 3 yr old boy.....and he is doing well, thank you. It could be the 15 week old puppy that we rescued several weeks ago that isn't potty trained like the boy! Or the 2 preschoolers that beg me everyday to play with "rice" or "do school." It could also be those 3 big kids that need me to teach them the ways of our Lord, along with math, language, history, science, spelling, reading, writing, and home economics. It might also be those long trips we make (an hour one way) to take 2 kids to soccer practices just 3 days a week. Or the studying that I do for my own spiritual growth, currently studying 1&2 Thessalonians, Grace Based Parenting and also a book on Women's Leadership in the church. And then there is that other thing called a house I have to keep clean, the laundry that has to be washed and folded, the meals that need cooking, the dishes washed, dogs fed and know all the joys of being a Wife and Mom! All those things that I wouldn't trade for all the money in the world!
I am finding joy in the small things, joy in the trials, and joy in the big things! I am busy, yes, but busy doing the things that God has called me to do. And for that I will not complain about lack of blogging time, but I will love those times sharing in studies with my husband, cherish those moments when my kids finally understand a concept, cheer for the goals reached in sports, relish those times playing with "rice," and just enjoy the JOYS that God has given me.......for He has given me much. How will you spend your time?
Where does your time go?
Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, O LORD, my rock and my redeemer. Psalm 19:14