Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Let's try this again....

Hello Again...........................
Whoa is about all I can say.  Really? 2 1/2 years? I'm going to try again at this blogging thing.  I did enjoy it when I had the time to do it.  Not sure that I have the time now, but we are going to give it a whirl.  :)

Much has changed! Ok....who am I kidding? Not really! While my husband and I have aged a bit, the kids have grown by leaps and bounds!! We are well into our journey of homeschooling highschool and so far so good. The Oldest Arrow will graduate next year, the Next Oldest Arrow is just getting started (both are doing GREAT).  Our precious Middle Arrow continues to love reading and Legos! Our Next to Youngest Arrow is thriving this year.....this APD (Auditory Processing Disorder) will not hold her down! The Youngest Arrow would much rather play than do school, but he is finally getting excited about reading, so he can read the instructions on the video games! Hey.....at least he has a goal....I'll take it!

So as you can see much has changed, but much has stayed the same.  It's 2 1/2 years since my last post, we are still happily married, still homeschooling, and still very much in love with our kids! So let's give this blog another go and see where it takes us!


Here's a couple updated pictures for you too!

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