Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Beautiful blooming, bees buzzing, birds singing, kids sneezing playing, adults crying sneezing laughing and enjoying creation.  Our house is in full bloom, and I'm not talking about flowers...allergies!  My poor husband, oldest arrow and youngest arrow are the worst!  Our air conditioner is on the fritz, again, so we have all the windows open, fans in the windows, ceiling fans running on high and my counters, tables, chairs and everything is YELLOW!!!  I had to wipe down my laptop just to get on and blog!  EEEeeeeeeewwwwwww.....

As I spoke to a friend this evening we both shared how we feel as though the pollen this season is awful, more than normal and alot of it!  I noticed while driving home yesterday that there was a haze of pollen in the air all around us.  It looked as if someone had driven down a dirt road and kicked up all the dirt.  Ya know?  But we don't live anywhere near dirt roads, it was just the lovely pollen.  Hope you all are fairing well inside your pollen free air conditioning!  Pray for us!

Enjoy the beauty of creation, the smell of fresh flowers, the sounds of spring and the coolness of your homes and allergy free zones!!!  :)  Have a Blessed Spring Break Y'all!

1 comment:

Brenda said...

LOVE the pictures. We missed ya'll this Easter. When are you coming to the Beach house? Love you, MOM :-)