Monday, March 29, 2010


It's time to focus on next years curriculum choices.  I have lots of changes in store for next year.  This year has been wonderful, so far.  The kids are always so enthusiastic to learn something new and they are getting older, so we need to change the way they study some things.  My oldest arrow will be going into 8th grade!!!  I can hardly believe she is that big....seems like just yesterday we started this homeschooling adventure and here we are about to start our 7th year.  WOW.....time flies.

As I am still reading my book on Homeschooling with a Meek and Quiet Spirit, I am trying to put into work some of the things I have already learned.  For example, they suggest bringing in your husband to help with the curriculum choosing.  This is an area that I have normally had full control.  My husband trusts my choices, although I often go to him first and ask what he thinks.  This year however, I will be seeking to do this as a joint praying and decision making process.

Having an almost highschooler in our midst really changes the way you look at curriculum.  You want to make sure that her transcripts will look good to whatever college she might applies and you seek to teach them as much as possible before they are "adults."  I have to say, I am getting a bit nervous over this one.  This is when I have to stop and pray, pray, pray. 

The younger children's curriculums won't change all that much other than a few things here and there.  I am seeking a new math curriculum for everyone.  I've loved using our Teaching Textbooks, but I have also heard recently that they miss quite a bit too.  I don't even know where to begin on this one!!  Any suggestions?  We really enjoy having it on the computer, as I am not great in math and the "new" way of math has me baffled!  I could probably get by with teaching it the "old" way, but I'd be doing my kids a disservice when they get older and into higher grades.  So, what do you do?

How do you go about choosing your curriculum?  Do you follow what your fellow moms are teaching, branch out and go your own path, or do you and your husband pray over and choose wisely?  I'm curious to sit a spell and give me your insights.  I'm wondering if after 6 years, am I missing something wonderful???  Thanks for sharing!

I'm off to FOCUS, pray and focus on choosing the right curriculum for my uprising highschooler.

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