Friday, July 23, 2010

Animal Sightings....focus

Cool Animal Sightings at our house!  God always gives us such wonderful teaching moments in the midst of a busy day.  Do you take time to enjoy them or see them as a bother?  We try to enjoy the turtle that a friend of my daughters found crossing the driveway.  Turtles are known to be slow, but let me tell you, this one was Quick for a turtle!  We tried giving him an apple, but he didn't much care for it.  Then we put him in the kiddie pool we had in the front yard.  He swam for a bit, looking for the edge so he could run away!  My poor kids tortured played with him for about 15 minutes, until we left to enjoy the pool for the day!

The bird or hawk you see in the other pictures has a fish in its talon!!  This was quite a sight to see!  He was perched up on this dead tree, resting from his hunt.  We live across from the lake, so his journey wasn't far, but I'm sure it was heavy!  He sat up there for some time, flew away and came back.  When he returned I just knew God was granting me the opportunity to take his picture!  Hee Hee  OK....maybe not just for that purpose, but I took full advantage anyway! 

It's always amazing to me, God seems to speak to me at those times when I am in a hurry and losing focus of what's important.  On both these days I was busy going about my day.  First day it was me trying to get all the kids and friends off to a day at the pool, the second day I was hurrying the children to shower and bathe while rushing to get dinner on the table.  How about you?  Lose Focus much?  I do and it takes an Awesome Animal Sighting to get me back on track!  Thanks God!

O LORD, how manifold are your works!In wisdom have you made them all;the earth is full of your creatures. Psalm 104:24

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